Bottoms Up is a groundbreaking grassroots program that combines monthly financial support and quarterly volunteering. This campaign is dedicated to mobilizing volunteers through various issues. Whether it's voting rights, reproductive rights, or education funding, this program is designed to engage voters via the issues they care about. With a low entry point of $10.41 a month, we are determined to motivate Democrats at all financial levels to join us in this fight for democracy.
Grassroots members such as yourself, will be our boots on the ground to help transform Maricopa County into an inclusive and welcoming community for all. As a committed member you will be an important part in shaping the Arizona landscape for generations to come.
To become a member of the Bottoms Up campaign and become an essential part of electing Democrats, we are asking you to commit to two things: a one time yearly donation of $125 dollars or a recurring donation of $10.41 a month plus 4 canvasses a year. Your donation will help the Maricopa Democratic party sustain the Bottoms Up program as well as pay for important literature for our very own neighborhoods.